
Saturday, March 22, 2014


So I don't have a computer. 
I blog with my Ipad. I use my Cannon for my photos and I have a memory card that connects to my Wifi so I can get the pictures on my ipad. My memory card just stopped connecting to my wifi so I haven't been able to get any of my pictures onto my Ipad. No pictures = no blogging really. SO LAME.. I can't figure out why it won't connect but I'm going to keep trying. I just wanted to update you all on whats going on. I think I may have a couple backup posts until I can figure this out. I really do not want to buy a  new memory card because it was kind of stupidly expensive imo and I have other things sucking the money out of me currently! 
So hopefully I can get this bad boy working again. I have not forgotten about my blog, just technical difficulties! :(
--Nicole xox


  1. Aww I hope you can get it figured out! I don't know anything about that kind of stuff or I would try to help :/

  2. Good luck! Technical difficulties always elude me!
